Letter To Author of GK of Bhutan
Dear Author, First of all, I would like to congratulate you on publishing the General knowledge book. As I am a regular reader of books written by Bhutanese a uthors, I bought your book from Pekhang Enterprise and read first four sections (ie a, b, c & d) of your book. I don’t claim to know the history of Bhutan, and by no means I am writing this letter to criticize this book. I just would like to clarify my doubts. Firstly, The Q&A on Guru Rinpoche created confusion in my mind instead of clarifying . In the section b-a, the question is,’when was the king Thri-song Deo-tsen born?’ and the section b-13 asks, ‘when was the 36 th Dharma King Thrisong Deutsen born?’. The answer is 742 A.D and 682 A.D respectively. Now, my confusion is; are they two different historical figures? Or are they the same figure. While I believe that there shall be some inconsistencies in date, but it should be the job of author to harmonize the date. If you consider the first da...