Bhutan’s First Contact with British
This New Year, I have made some resolutions. I promised to myself that I will no longer drink beer, eat noodles and sleep to the point of getting depression. While I don’t like to hang out with friends gossiping about politician’s protruding teeth or lady’s extra-sized bosom, I need some ways to spend my time meaningfully if there is so called meaning in mundane works. So I promised to read some books and regain my past habits. Reading has been my favourite past time before I gave into drinking and other cardinal vices. So I began by collecting books from friends and book stores. Book collection is harder than I thought. Unlike in the school, I could neither borrow nor stealthily pick up from library when librarians are busy gossiping. Some friends who used to be book lovers have either gave into their family life or money-making while others either concentrate on professional life or professional pleasing. So I found out now buying is only the way. After deductions of that and this,...