
Showing posts from September 1, 2013

Decentralization and Local Governance in Bhutan ( 1st Draft)

Abstract The decentralization and local governance complement each other; one can’t function in absence of other. The decentralization is a means of local empowerment whereas local governance is an ends to the decentralization. This paper will explore the decentralization process in Bhutan, empowerment to local governance till establishment of democratic institution, types of decentralization, pros and cons of decentralization and local government etc. This paper will also analyze whether Bhutan’s devolution of power can be really termed decentralization with respect to political, administrative and fiscal policy. Introduction, Concept & History of Decentralization and Governance in Bhutan Decentralization is a word that has been used by different people to mean many different things (Aggrawal & Ribbot). In fact, review of the literature shows that there is no common definition of decentralization, although much work has gone into exploring its differing application...