Temple on the Up-Side Down Basket Hill (Tsew-Gang)


In the 16th century, the Divine Madman travelled from Babesa towards Paro. He passed through Tsew Gang (opposite side of Thimphu Namseling accross the Thimphu Chu). To see if he was prophesied to build a temple, he shouted,
'Lama Sangay, are you there?'
Somebody answered, 'there is no Lama Sangay.'
He again shouted, 'Nyerp Longchey, are you there?'
Again somebody answered, 'there is no nyep Longchey.'
He shouted for the third time, 'Tsem Damchoe, are you there?'
Again someone answered, 'there is no Tsem Damchoe.'
He realised he was not destined to establish his seat there. However, he extracted drupchu nearby to solve water scarcity which has dried up today.
He visited second time there. He asked locals if they wanted to buy gold powder from him. All locals refused but plotted to steal at night. Lama replaced human defacation with gold powder which villagers stole. Lama exclaimed laughing, 'These people never wanted gold I offer but these people wanted shit I never offered.' This place today is marked with small Chorten.
Later, Lam Ngawang Chogyal, Drukpa Kinley's counsin built a small temple.
If for nothing else, one can still visit this temple just to enjoy panaromic views around.


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